Reduced Cycle Time vs Increased Throughput

Reduced Cycle Time vs Increased Throughput

Throughput is a crucial metric to track, especially in fields like automotive engineering and distribution. But how does this relate to cycle time – and does bringing one metric up automatically mean the other will follow? Learn more about throughput and...
Key Metrics to Measure for a Successful Business

Key Metrics to Measure for a Successful Business

Do you feel like you’ve been struggling to stay afloat each ​period? How many leads are you finding, and how many are you converting? What about customer satisfaction? Learn about the key success metrics your operation should be tracking below. Key Metrics for...
How to Remain Focused On Operational Goals

How to Remain Focused On Operational Goals

Many companies struggle to stay focused on operational goals, but doing so is crucial for running a successful business. Whether you’re looking for a certain number of orders to be shipped, a certain amount of revenue to be raised, or a certain level of business...
How to Increase Operational Efficiency

How to Increase Operational Efficiency

When it comes to increasing operational efficiency, there are several key areas you must keep in mind. Are you managing the performance of your people so they perform to their full potential? Are your processes lean and designed to drive value? Do you have the right...
How to Improve Business Operational Efficiency

How to Improve Business Operational Efficiency

Do you know what contributes to operational efficiency at your organization? Most operations ​chalk it up to a few key factors, which include resource utilization, distribution, production, and inventory management. Are you excelling in all these areas? More...